SEBBA - South East Bengaluru Bengali Association

SEBBA - challanging the status Quo

SEBBA, or South East Bengaluru Bengali Association, was founded in May 2023 by culturally inclined Bengalis in Bangalore, inspired by the concept of “SEVA.” It is a social organization that emphasizes unity and collective responsibility among its members. SEBBA serves as a platform for pooling resources and ideas to achieve common goals. Every member acts as an ambassador, committed to upholding the association’s values. Through various cultural and social initiatives, SEBBA aims to strengthen bonds within the Bengali community in Southeast Bengaluru.

Our Theme for 2024 - Dokra Art

This year we had created a sitting Durga, in Dokra shades.
It involves, patterning a clay core intricately with wax ribbons and then coating it carefully with a mix of clay and hay. The wax is subsequently melted off, and the cavity formed is filled with molten metal – an alloy of copper and tin. When this solidifies, the craftsman reveals the beauty of his creation by cautiously breaking open the outer clay shell.
Initially a tribal form from Bastar in Chattisgarh.
All of this handcrafted by our very own team members. Along with excellent singers and dancers we also have wonderful artists, sculptors and renowned athletes among us. SEBBA is a mix of talents with compassion.

About Us

SEBBA is a Social Organisation, a meeting of minds and hearts, numbers and targets are left outside, at our working places.

SEBBA believes in learning from its mistakes and adopting wholesome practices.

Flavors of Durgapuja

Discover the Vibrant Flavors of Durga Puja 2024

Experience the vibrant tapestry of Durga Puja, where tradition meets celebration in its most exquisite forms. From the rhythmic beats of dhak to the mesmerizing dances that capture the spirit of the Goddess, every moment is a symphony of devotion and joy

BangalooreDurga Puja 2024 Attractions

Durga Puja 2024 Attraction


Membership is Open for all

Unique ‘Ghoroa Durga Puja’ – Puja bwith a Heart

DurgaPuja 2024 Schedule

Durga Puja Timing Nirghonto

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